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​Skateboarding, Death & Spirituality 



​Click on the image to view previous issues of Concrete Wave Magazine.


A Skateboarder’s Perspective on Death, Dying and Spirituality 


When Michael Brooke decided to sell his skateboarding magazine Concrete Wave three years ago, he wasn’t too sure what would happen next. He knew he wanted to do something different, but admits he was as surprised as anyone when he wound up working as a funeral director’s assistant. 


Being around death gives you a very special appreciation of life. This job forces you each day to consider your own mortality and really consider what is truly valuable” says Michael. 


A skater since 1975, Michael wrote "The Concrete Wave" in 1999. The book sold over 42,000 copies, spawned a 52 part TV series and was the catalyst for the Spin Magazine article entitled "The Lords of Dogtown".  


"The Concrete Wave" also became a magazine that Michael founded in 2002. As he looked back on his decades as a skater and a publisher he began to ruminate on what he was experiencing at the funeral home. He started to get feeling there might be a book opportunity. 

A few years ago, Michael created a personal playlist on Spotify called “Songs to Play at My Funeral". “Music plays such an important role in my life and I wanted to ensure the songs were important to me would be featured once I’d passed.” 


It was here that he met up with Nathan Ho, a skateboarder who is based in Sydney, Australia. Nathan had written a comment about skateboarding and spirituality on a website that resonated with Michael. “I emailed Nathan to be a part of my podcast and he was a terrific guest. It was soon after, that I realized that Nathan would be the perfect person to collaborate on a book with” explains Michael.

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Click on the image to listen to Michael's podcast on Spotify.


As a Skateboarder, Artist, Author and Clairvoyant Healer, Nathan has invested his fair share of years in both worlds of Skateboarding and Metaphysics. He is passionate about writing to analyse, dissect and explain spiritual concepts in simple yet profound ways.  


Nathan’s pursuit for explaining the often unexplainable is the result of the culmination of his own life experiences of growing up Clairvoyant, his personal journey of healing and serving as a healer and working as an Educator to teach Children and their Families to understand their own Spiritual nature.


Nathan attributes this level of self-acceptance as a significant influence in showing up more authentically in life, leading to an overall more enriching and empowering experience on Earth.

​Rock to Fakie (2016)

Prior to writing Endless Wave, Nathan was taking a break from his writing projects. The day that Nathan set his intentions on writing again was the day that Michael actually contacted Nathan about appearing on his podcast.  


In what could be described as a synchronistic expression and sensation of riding from one wave to the next, the conversations between Nathan and Michael flowed, thus came the realization and actions that followed, resulting in the documentation and development of all that you see here as Endless Wave.   


The Endless Wave is a book written by skateboarders for skateboarders. It offers some unique insights that Michael and Nathan hope act as a catalyst for more exploration and discussion.


©Copyright Michael Brooke & Nathan Ho 2021

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